What does one think is a reflection of his surroundings & the ups & downs in his life. Everyone's life is an entirely different ballgame be it a rich business man, a middle class shop owner or a poor man. There're many situations which tend to befuddle you. Where and how do you find answers to appalling truths of life? Rather than alienating yourself from the world, here is an attempt to help pacify your antagonized mind. So keep writing whether its bilge or sagacious.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Aparigraha - A philosophical Viewpoint

Which of your possessions matter to you the most? Is it the gift you received from someone special or the one bought from your first salary?

I want you to think of that while reading further. Jainism or known traditionally as Jain Dharma, Shraman Dharma or the religion of Nirgantha by ancient texts, dates back to Later Vedic period (1000 BC-600 BC). After attaining Enlightenment, Mahavira (540 BC-467 BC) laid down the foundation of very religion, Jainism. The teachings of Mahavira revolve around the basic five principles that became the core of Jainism:

1 . Ahimsa: Non-violence

2. Asteya: Non-stealing

3. Brahmacharya: Celibacy

4. Anekantvada: Multiplicity of view points

5. Aparigraha: Non-possessiveness

Aparigraha or the idea of non-possessiveness is one the five principles of Jainism and holds immense meaning in itself. How many of us actually understand the idea behind the Aparigraha? Sub-consciously we do think about “not possessing” things that we have but still we do. Aparigraha means giving up your worldly possessions like wealth and property without attaching thoughts of what you have given up. The thoughts can comprise of sadness or happiness. By giving up I mean, one should not attach himself to the very thought of owning something. This does not only apply to materialistic things but also to the baggage that we carry within ourselves from the past. One should learn to detach himself/herself from the possessions of property, people and feelings. The point is, what we have today can be someone else’s tomorrow be it a house, money, family or someone you love the most.

We have to give up the attributes of life that do not help us become what we are or what we should be, still we keep them within our soul, mind, heart and body and stop ourselves from attaining moksha (is the liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth and all of the suffering and limitation of worldly existence). According to our Tirthankars (a human being that attains enlightenment), moksha is attained when we attain Samyak Darshan, or true perception. It’s then we remain in the nature of soul without raag (attachment) and dwesh (repulsion) and have finally reached a state of knowledge, bliss and enlightenment. We confuse ourselves with ourselves and with what people want to see us as. There was a reason behind every principle formulated by jain Tirthankars, to help us liberate our soul from the negative effects of unenlightened thoughts, speech and action. Attachment leads us to different karmas and we keep moving between birth, suffering and death. There are two sides of a coin; pleasure and suffering, happiness and sadness, love and hate, wealth and poverty. This is just a perception and one does not exist without the other. Once we have trained ourselves to think beyond these perceptions, we have attained what is called moksha. We have freed our soul from the dirt of this world.

With time, we tend to mold the principles according to our needs and we all know we have done that to an extent that our self consciousness also justifies the change. But isn’t change the only constant thing in this world? Then why not change ourselves by changing our habits and our thinking and spreading the word of Jainism across the world in its purest form. We do not need to give up everything in order to do this. As it is we have molded the principles to our requirements. The adapting of non-possessiveness comes only with a simple understanding that nothing in life is consistent or immortal. Everything today is going to change tomorrow, may it be things, status, money, relations or situations- good or bad. It is just waste of time and energy to get possessed with worldly things and people and then get grief-stricken on losing them. But this state of mind is much easier told than experienced. It takes a lot of thinking and understanding to achieve a state of Non-possessiveness towards something. Life should be taken as a Journey and Not a Destination. There will be indefinite stations in the way and each station/ phase has something new and different to show. Your best bet would be Get the Best out of every phase and dump the rest.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where is the TIME???

I was driving on the roads of Florida on a morning of summer '09. My favorite music was playing in the car with my iPod in my one hand and holding the steering from other hand. Driving in the right lane is for the people who drive slow, not to mention that the people DO NOT drive way below speed limit. All of a sudden a thought struck my mind "Why are people running?". I do not understand why there is a hurry and hurry for what? Hurry to reach work or hurry to reach work soon and get out of there soon? Hurry to finish the pending work or hurry to gear up for the rest of the day? What is it? Do we know what are we running behind and why are we running?

We do not set our priorities in life and end up hurrying for every ticking minute in the clock. We do not get enough time to think about ourselves and our loved one in the hush hush of LIFE. Do we really know what life is and how to live it? NO WE DO NOT.

I kept driving at my own slow speed in the right lane and kept wondering about the people rushing in their cars and passing me by. The red mini truck which was 2 cars behind my car was changing lanes with the blink of an eye. Driving at a speed above the speed limit the red monster was still not able to make it's way through the traffic. So he passes a car and comes to the right lane and as soon as he is in the right lane, he passes over to the left lane and vrrrommmmmm there he passes me. Thinking in my subconscious mind I say "I do not need to rush, I have all the time to reach my work but why does people become impatient when they are driving, why not enjoy every bit of the drive even when it is to work?" The precious amenity called "Time" is no more just amenity it stands next to God because we end up worshiping it. I cannot make out which one is more important because they are just like tweedledum and tweedledee.

I cannot criticize people giving importance to time. It holds the weightage of being where it is. We are the culprits to give it the prominence to steal the march of every race that a human can possibly think. Time is managing us when instead we should be doing that.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Village Most Visited...

The waiting for summer vacation to come…

When one could spend all the time in JUST fun…

Those years when school was scarier than life…

Only going to that small village could make it bright…

Walking on the road, I plan…

Let’s do this or that when it began…

The traveling by those iron rot trains and buses…

One could barely fit their tusshies…

Walking on the uneven roads…sun rising high above the horizons…

Towards the station with the excitement to see our owns…

Those aunties wearing pink and green and yellow sarees…

Their husbands in their own household worries…

Kids about to climb the stairs…

With all the summery shirt and legs half bare…

Those dry days and summer scorching everybody’s mind…

Dry trees and dry plants…

Those cows and buffaloes moving in their clans…

Earth breaking into small pieces…

Waiting for a drop of rain…

Sight of people dark and brown…closing their eyes in their own mourn…

Waiting at the station to eat those snacks…

Samosas and chips and pop corns with those sweets…

The holy river that flows close to that haunted house…

A 25 paise coin drowned and joining hands with a spiritual bow…

I wonder if kids did that now…

It’s something I wished had never changed…

My childhood remains all but a faint name…

20 years down the line…

Never thought it will be all a pen and a line…

Like someone moving the reels behind the wall…

Memories cross my path and crawl…

I still remember those less traveled paths…

In the jungles of the village most visited….