What does one think is a reflection of his surroundings & the ups & downs in his life. Everyone's life is an entirely different ballgame be it a rich business man, a middle class shop owner or a poor man. There're many situations which tend to befuddle you. Where and how do you find answers to appalling truths of life? Rather than alienating yourself from the world, here is an attempt to help pacify your antagonized mind. So keep writing whether its bilge or sagacious.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Life in Uncertain…It Still Moves On…..

Life is Uncertain..so true. But have we ever thought about how much uncertain it is. Not until we face something that shakes us entirely. Recently, I found out that a young girl I knew passed away for reasons which I am not sure yet. Wait what??? How did it shake my conscious? Here it is… this girl worked with me in my previous company. I interacted with her enough to understand that she was a good person at heart, in behavior and diligent with her work. One of the few people in office I enjoyed working with.

Like her, I am a working professional living thousands of miles away from my family. After I heard of her sudden demise, I pondered on the entire situation whole day and few days to follow. Why did this happen with her at a young age? What is her family and beloved going through right now? What was she thinking when this happened? Did she know before hand she that she will never be able to fulfill her dreams? Or, did she not even get a chance to realize this is the end? Who knows what dreams and desires she left behind, what she must have had to say to everyone around her. Who knows what she went through… who knows…. In the end, she is not there anymore. All she left for people behind her is memories and things to remember her by and the regrets people around her might have of things they would have done with her if she was still around.

I was upset all day I heard this news, couldn't stop thinking about it at all, kept seeing her face and said "Oh My Dear Lord! Why nice people like her?" But how much could I think, it did not make any sense to not do my routine chores at work and at home. My life did not stop and just like that, no one's life will stop including that of her family's and loved one's. Her life was very uncertain but still none of us stopped living. Life moves on. How much ever life can be uncertain and unfair, it will keep going on, it will continue to live even if you are the only person left on this planet. For good or bad, it's how it is.

It breaks me apart when I think about this whole situation. Should we be doing what our real wishes and desires are? Or, should we abide by the rules of the society and do what we are 'supposed' to do? Hard to strike a balance between what we want to do and what we should do. We all do think of it at some point but there is only so much we can do about it considering the factors that influence our decisions. Imagine this "Anything can happen to me tomorrow, something that cannot be changed and that can leave me totally shattered." What is it that we can do today to make sure we are 'satisfied' and 'happy' at the end of the day and for the rest of our lives? Is this something that will lead us to fulfill our dreams?

I thought about her and the lesson I learned (Life is Uncertain) more deeply than one would imagine and decided to take one step towards fulfilling my dreams. I envy people who are already following their dreams. They are the people who are living their life in true sense. Think about it!!!

May her soul Rest in Peace!!!

You will be missed.

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