What does one think is a reflection of his surroundings & the ups & downs in his life. Everyone's life is an entirely different ballgame be it a rich business man, a middle class shop owner or a poor man. There're many situations which tend to befuddle you. Where and how do you find answers to appalling truths of life? Rather than alienating yourself from the world, here is an attempt to help pacify your antagonized mind. So keep writing whether its bilge or sagacious.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I Want to Say Something...

I have thought about this so many times and yet I do not have an answer. Should we speak what our heart says without thinking about whether it will affect the person listening to it or should we speak what the person listening to us wants to hear? In the second case we are taking into consideration other person's feelings, may it be good or bad.

We could just say whatever we think we want to say and it's most likely we made someone feel miserable, we just made someone feel pathetic about him/her or God knows about us. On the other hand, we could avoid all this by saying what he/she wants to hear. In doing so, we are eliminating the possibility of all that is mentioned above BUT we are not being truthful to ourselves and to the others too.

There is an on-going battle between ourselves and our thoughts and we choose to do what we do. The reason can be anything; it can be because of our feelings and emotions when our mind is over-ridden by our heart or our state of mind when our heart is over-ridden by our mind. It is very hard to strike a balance between your thoughts and emotions and it takes what is called as ‘experience’.

We end up taking decisions which we may or may not regret later or right after taking a decision, in some cases. We are our best judges to decide when we regret because we cannot lie to ourselves even when we think we have lied to our own selfish creature dangling inside this materialist body.

I want you all to give me your inputs on this topic...let's see what majority of us think!!!


  1. It's not either this or that. We must choose our words as per the situation. Say what's beneficial for all, at that moment. e.g. Doctors can't speak entire truth to patients if it can affect patient's recovery process.

    Deciding what's beneficial for all is a matter of debate.

  2. Good point my friend. I agree with you. This is what I want to bring out from the readers. Keep writing!!!

  3. It all depends upon the situation, time and the person you are speaking to, you need to analyze the situation and then speak up, be diplomatic in your actions but don't harm others and yourself. Do it with individualistic Subjectivism (my personal opinion)

  4. Although it depends upon the circumstances, more often than not when we lie (keeping in mind the other person's feelings_- and when the truth gets out (which it eventually does) it hurts the person even more than it would have if we had not lied in the first place.
    Sometimes (most times) you have to be brutal in your dealings with the person just to do justice to them in the long run. They may hate you for it, but that's the sacrifice that you need to make if you choose to be truthful.
