What does one think is a reflection of his surroundings & the ups & downs in his life. Everyone's life is an entirely different ballgame be it a rich business man, a middle class shop owner or a poor man. There're many situations which tend to befuddle you. Where and how do you find answers to appalling truths of life? Rather than alienating yourself from the world, here is an attempt to help pacify your antagonized mind. So keep writing whether its bilge or sagacious.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Kite Runner: The book and the movie

I will ask for a good book to someone who reads and by that I mean not read a newspaper or an article once in a while but someone who has intellectual taste about books, the real books. It is still fresh in my mind since the time I started and finished reading this book, the book that has not only touched many hearts but has drawn attention of renowned news papers, writers and directors that they were bound to read and speak about it. The best way one could speak about a book is by making a movie out of it, which director Marc Forster had done in the movie “The Kite Runner”. I heard a lot about this book and movie, not from one or two people but a lot of them. It seemed like everyone knew about this book and the movie except me.

The story is revolving around two friends, a father and a son, a husband and a wife. The story depicts how these relations make up a person’s life and the mistakes he has done and how it made a difference in everyone’s life around him. It is about Afghani guy named Amir Jan, as they call him with love and his childhood friend Hassan, a servant's son. It has portrayed the relation between them who do not belong to the same sect so beautifully that you can feel as it happens. They both are deprived of their mother’s love. Amir’s mother, who his father loved more than anything and Hassan's mother, a beauty known in Kabul, ran with other man after giving birth to him since she could not connect herself with Hassan's father, Ali. She played an important role in the story without even being present for most of the time.

How much does a child can think and go through in the age when he is supposed to play and read. Without even knowing a child goes through a lot which an adult at times misses to notice. The life went on well for everybody until one day an incident turning out as a mistake for someone else ruins it all. One of them thinks he is suffering but actually every character of this story was paying in some or the other way. This has been felt throughout the book and I bet no one will deny this.

Situations like a girl’s courage to leave her family at the time when this was happening gives me goose bumps. It makes me want to think about what really I want to do. It’s not just about eloping it’s about doing what your heart says is right. But we often get caught up with what our mind says it right. Both, according to me are not wrong. We need to weigh the pros and cons of thinking, acting and the consequences of either ways.

Most of us mainly live because we cherish our friendship with our friends. Living in their friendship rings a bell in my mind that I have also done what Amir and Hassan did as a naughty prankster. We have had friends with whom we used to play, go cycling, fall and cry and stand up and start playing again. How many of we still remember those days, how many of we are still in touch with them? If I talk about myself, I am not in touch with all of them but yes, I have few childhood friends who are still a part of my life. It doesn’t take much to make relations but it takes more than we can imagine maintaining them. In this story this is what happened with poor soul Amir. He was lost in what his fears were and what his feelings were. He was scared to find out that he is not what he thinks, a coward but a brave kid. We learn from our mistakes and so did he. He demonstrated his bravery once and for all at the end.

How much we fear or fears of fighting for what we want to choose as our career can be seen in Amar’s life. A constant struggle and suppression of a desire to become a writer can be easily related by every human life on this planet. We have to do a lot of hard work to find out our real self and what the goal of our life is. We often tend to be someone by pretending to do things or behave in ways that do not define ourselves. THINK ABOUT IT!!!

There is a mix of emotions and various emotionally shaking incidents in this book. As this story goes on, we start relating ourselves with the different characters and different situation in some or the other way. The movie could not do complete justice to the book, just like any other movie inspired by a book. You read the book and see the movie, you will find out the difference between how much a writer puts into writing and the degree of hard work needed by the director to put all the feelings from the words into the reel. Indeed, the director did a very good job. If you watch this movie before reading the book, you will definitely love the concept. You will feel what every character has felt, when it was written. The actors portrayed the feelings so well that it come across to the audience as their own story.

I would suggest everybody to read the book and watch this movie. It’s a real food for thought for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. I read it two years back and its still fresh in mind, an intriguing read. I love the character of Amir,I agree with you that in the end, he realizes his mistakes and goes to an extreme and bounces back as a winner. We must not cover up our weaknesses or failures instead have the strength to fight back and we guaranteed will end up a winner
